Risk Based Thinking: Why and How?

Risk Based Thinking: Why and How?
The many conversations around Risk Based Thinking is necessary and cannot be overemphasized given the evolving and fast paced times we are in. Risks are indeed ever-present and it pays dividends to think about them before they happen. By promoting a risk-based thinking culture, an organization becomes proactive rather than purely reactive, preventing or reducing ...

How to Manage Risk Through- ISO 9001:2015

How to Manage Risk Through- ISO 9001:2015
 What Is a Risk? This Article focus more on how to Manage Risk A risk is a positive or negative deviation from the expected. Addressing a risk could mean pursuing a new opportunity. The better your organization manages risks, the better prepared you are to face uncertainties. Organizations are required during planning of their QMS ...

Energize your ISO 9001 Quality Management System Performance

Energize your ISO 9001 Quality Management System Performance
ISO 9001 Quality Management System is a catalyst for business success. The adoption of ISO 9001 quality management system standard as a strategic management tool should ordinarily deliver an improved organization with improvement in key result areas of the organization. The whole organization including its services, products, processes, customers, efficiency, effectiveness, staff responsiveness, relationships management, ...